
Anemia is a condition in which the blood lacks the normal amount of healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen to the various organs in the body. Despite anemia’s severity and prevalence, our device might be all you need to ease the symptoms of anemia.

Understanding Anemia

Understanding Anemia

Anemia develops when the body produces insufficient healthy red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes. When this happens, the body doesn’t get enough oxygen, which is essential for making energy. This oxygen deficiency makes the patient feel weak or fatigued. Other symptoms of anemia include shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, cold hands and feet, and pale/yellow skin.

Types and Causes of Anemia

There are several types of anemia, all caused by different factors. The leading cause of anemia is the deficiency of essential nutrients that synthesize red blood cells and hemoglobin—iron, vitamin B-9, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. Anemia is also linked to certain genetic disorders, infections, medications, and cancers. Common types of anemia include:

  • Aplastic anemia
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  • Thalassemia
  • Diamond–Blackfan anemia
  • Cancer-induced anemia

Singlet Oxygen
Helps in the Treatment of Anemia

Treatment for anemia depends on the cause, type, and severity of the condition. Conventional low hemoglobin or low red blood cell count treatments include dietary supplementation, blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy, and medication. Oxygen therapy is also used as a bridge or management treatment for anemia.

ZMedicAir introduces an even simpler way to manage anemia. Studies show that breathing purified indoor air drastically relieves anemia symptoms. The ZMedicAir air purifier eliminates harmful pollutants in the air and enriches it with singlet oxygen using a patented novel technology. Once inhaled, the singlet oxygen helps raise oxygen levels in the body and stimulates the immune system to combat infections.

ZMedicAir is a great way to supplement oxygen therapy for low hemoglobin or low red blood cell count, regardless of the underlying cause.

How Triplet Oxygen-Enriched Air Helps in The Management and Treatment of Anemia

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does an air purifier help with shortness of breath?

An air purifier removes pollutants such as dust, smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pollen from the air. The clean air is easier to breathe. Also, each breath draws more oxygen and less harmful pollutants into the lungs, thus easing shortness of breath, which is a natural response to low oxygen concentration in the blood or poor indoor air quality.

ZMedicAir boosts oxygen availability by enriching the air with low doses of singlet oxygen produced by a mild, patent-protected generator. The singlet oxygen also improves lung and cardiovascular health, further improving breathing.

Does an air purifier improve oxygen levels?

Well, not directly. Household air purifiers do not produce oxygen, but they do a good job of pumping as much clean oxygen as possible into every breath. After getting rid of up to 99% of air pollutants, an air purifier ensures that what’s left is nothing but clean, breathable air, 21% of which is oxygen.

ZMedicAir does even more than that. Thanks to its state-of-the-art singlet oxygen generator, the purifier turns some of the oxygen into a more bioavailable form that the body readily absorbs.

Does supplemental oxygen help anemia?

A person with anemia is in a constant state of “oxygen debt.” Since the blood can’t carry enough oxygen, supplemental oxygen or oxygen therapy for anemia may be used to offset this debt and relieve the associated symptoms. In most cases, doctors prescribe hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a supplemental oxygen treatment for anemia to help dissolve as much oxygen as possible into the bloodstream.

Thanks to its built-in singlet oxygen generator, ZMedicAir is a great way to supplement oxygen therapy for low hemoglobin or low red blood cell count. It improves anemia by helping the body absorb more oxygen and produce healthy red blood cells.

Does an air purifier help with fatigue?

Poor indoor air quality means there’s less available oxygen in the air to breathe. Low oxygen intake exacerbates anemia symptoms, one of which is fatigue.

Whether you have anemia or not, a poor-quality indoor atmosphere could be detrimental to your physical and psychological well-being. For instance, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a bizarre health condition associated with spending too much time couped up in a room or house with poor air quality. The symptoms of SBS include shortness of breath, coughing, fever, brain fog, irritability, and fatigue.

ZMedicAir naturally rejuvenates the body with low doses of singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is a more active form of oxygen that boosts metabolism and other innate physiological processes to alleviate fatigue.

Are there natural remedies for anemia?

Studies show that certain foods can help relieve anemia symptoms by improving the production and functions of red blood cells. Such remedies include:

  • Iron-rich foods such as leafy greens, legumes, and dried fruits
  • Probiotics
  • Fruits, berries, and vegetables rich in vitamin C
  • Meats, particularly liver, fish, beef, and poultry
  • Herbs such as ginger, cumin, and chamomile that have antioxidant properties

ZMedicAir is another natural remedy used as a supplemental oxygen therapy for anemia. It produces singlet oxygen molecules that boost the patient’s oxygen levels, stimulates immune action against the underlying cause of anemia, and encourages erythropoiesis.


Kwag Y, Oh J, Yang W, Kim Y, Ha EH, Ye S. “Effect of PM concentration on anemia blood indicators reduced by air purifiers.” Chemosphere. 2023 May;323:138131. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138131. Epub 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36822522.


Van Meter KW. “The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on severe anemia.” Undersea Hyperb Med. 2012 Sep-Oct;39(5):937-42. PMID: 23045922.


Joshi SM. “The sick building syndrome.” Indian J Occup Environ Med. 2008 Aug;12(2):61-4. doi: 10.4103/0019-5278.43262. PMID: 20040980; PMCID: PMC2796751.


Cotoraci C, Ciceu A, Sasu A, Hermenean A. “Natural Antioxidants in Anemia Treatment.” Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 13;22(4):1883. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041883. PMID: 33668657; PMCID: PMC7918704.

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