Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a life-threatening lung disease that restricts airflow, making it difficult to breathe. It is the third leading cause of death worldwide. The right kind of purifier, however, may relieve COPD symptoms.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD is a group of four chronic, progressive lung diseases—emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and refractory asthma—that block airflow into the lungs, resulting in a myriad of breathing problems.

A person with COPD may experience symptoms such as frequent coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, tightness or pain in the best as well as excess sputum, phlegm or mucus production.

The disease is also characterized by flare-ups, indefinite episodes where symptoms suddenly worsen due to a trigger such as smoke, dust, or other irritants.

Causes and Treatment of COPD

The leading cause of COPD is long-term exposure to lung irritants, with cigarette smoke being the main culprit. About 80% of COPD deaths in the US can be linked to smoking, and 20% of smokers will likely be diagnosed with the disease. Other lung irritants include chemical fumes, dust, pollen, and air pollutants. Also, certain genetic disorders, old age, and a history of pulmonary infections are known risk factors for COPD.

COPD treatment revolves around managing the patient’s symptoms and preventing flare-ups. Managing COPD depends on the severity of the disease and the patient; it may involve lifestyle changes, prescription medication, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, or surgery.

Singlet Oxygen-Enriched Air for COPD Relief

ZMedicAir is a revolutionary air purifier equipped with a proprietary low-dose singlet oxygen generator. Singlet oxygen, or dioxygen, is a highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) with incredible therapeutic properties. In low concentrations, singlet oxygen reacts with organic compounds and other ROS in the body, relieving oxidative stress and inflammation and stimulating the body to fight infections and repair damaged tissues.

The ZMedicAir purifier helps ease the symptoms in COPD patients, drastically improving their health and quality of life. Plus, the singlet oxygen quickly changes back to regular triplet oxygen, creating clean, breathable oxygen for COPD patients.

On top of that, ZMedicAir is fitted with a powerful 3-stage filtration system that conveniently eliminates any COPD triggers and lung irritants lurking in the air. Clean air is easier to breathe and poses no risk to vulnerable COPD lungs.

Singlet Oxygen-Enriched Air for COPD Relief

Patient Success Stories

Watch COPD patients share stories about how purified, oxygen-enriched air from a ZMedicAir improves their lives every day


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do air purifiers help with COPD?

Air purifiers remove harmful irritants, toxins, and pollutants, such as smoke, pollen, spores, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in the air known to trigger or worsen COPD.

ZMedicAir devices not only help remove common triggers but also produces singlet technology which acts as a booster to your body’s natural defense mechanisms and helps calm inflammation and tissue damage this is unique to our products!

What is the best air purifier for COPD?

Any air purifier with a low MERV rating (12 and below) that doesn’t produce ozone will do. ZMedicAir goes two steps further with its powerful 3-stage filtration system and patented innovation that delivers highly active oxygen with health-enhancing benefits.

Is an air purifier good for the lungs?

A good air purifier removes most of the gunk in the air that would otherwise end up in the lungs and cause unwanted inflammation, obstruction, and breathing problems.

The patented technology found in ZMedicAir can help your lungs’ tissues be stronger and more resistant to irritation. This is done through the production of singlet oxygen, a more active form of oxygen!

Does an air purifier help with oxygen levels?

Typical air purifiers do not increase indoor oxygen levels. However, using our one-of-a-kind patented technology, ZMedicAir generates low concentrations of singlet oxygen molecules. The singlet oxygen helps combat air pollutants and provide COPD relief before reverting to regular oxygen. It also increases the quality of the available breathable oxygen in the air.

What helps clear lungs with COPD?

Doctors recommend controlled coughing, postural drainage, and chest percussion to help clear mucus from COPD lungs. The best thing you can do to prevent mucus buildup in the first place is to avoid airborne irritants and pollutants such as cigarette smoke, aerosols, dust, pollen, etc.

ZMedicAir will help you avoid them through both a multi-filtration system and even help your lungs become more resistant do irritation and inflammation over time by creating singlet oxygen out of the regular oxygen flowing through the device. This patented technology is unique and has been known to enhance your body’s natural immune response.

How can I make my COPD lungs stronger?
Performing moderate physical exercises (aerobics, stretching, resistance training, etc.), signing up for pulmonary rehabilitation therapies, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding COPD triggers can go a long way in strengthening your lungs.

Breathing singlet oxygen can also improve your lungs’ health. Singlet oxygen combines with reactive oxygen species in the body to reduce oxidative stress and tissue damage in inflamed lungs. 
Does an air purifier help with shortness of breath?

Air purifiers eliminate up to 99% of air pollutants that exacerbate respiratory illnesses or cause breathing problems, including shortness of breath.

Our devices get rid of air pollution through powerful filtration and a patented technology that produces singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen not only help further destroy germs and viruses in the air, it is a more active form of oxygen that helps boost your body’s defense mechanisms when breathe in a controlled manner. This process is unique to ZMedicAir!

Can you have oxygen at home if you have COPD?

Doctors prescribe COPD oxygen therapy on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the severity of the disease, a patient may need supplemental oxygen when sleeping, while up and about, during flare-ups, or all the time. By making clean, high-quality oxygen more available for breathing, ZMedicAir drastically reduces the need for COPD oxygen therapy at home. 

Does an air purifier help with cough?

By removing irritants and allergens in the air, an air purifier reduces the symptoms of coughing, sneezing, running nose, and itchy eyes resulting from inflammatory or allergic reactions.

ZMedicAir goes one step further by actively helping your body’s immune and healing mechanisms improve over time. This is possible through our patented technology which produces singlet oxygen, an active form of oxygen with tons of therapeutic benefits.


Quaderi SA, Hurst JR. “The unmet global burden of COPD. Glob Health Epidemiol Genom.” 2018 Apr 6;3:e4. doi: 10.1017/gheg.2018.1. PMID: 29868229; PMCID: PMC5921960.

Hansel NN, Putcha N, Woo H, Peng R, Diette GB, Fawzy A, Wise RA, Romero K, Davis MF, Rule AM, Eakin MN, Breysse PN, McCormack MC, Koehler K. “Randomized Clinical Trial of Air Cleaners to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Health: Results of the CLEAN AIR Study.” Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Feb 15;205(4):421-430. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202103-0604OC. PMID: 34449285; PMCID: PMC8886948.

Chang JT, Meza R, Levy DT, Arenberg D, Jeon J. Prediction of COPD risk accounting for time-varying smoking exposures. PLoS One. 2021 Mar 10;16(3):e0248535. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248535. PMID: 33690706; PMCID: PMC7946316.

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